Monday, November 9, 2009

Lazarus and Which Wich.

This weekend we went and ate at Which Wich in Southlake. We were just out and about and thought we would try to eat somewhere we had never been. We pulled our honda into a parking spot sandwiched in between a Lexus and an Audi. Next to them Parked Bmw's, Acuras, and so on so our little 4 door sedan was silently singing to itself...which one of these is not like the others... which one of these does not belong...

We walk into to the restaurant not really knowing what to expect. It was a great concept and we grabbed our sandwich bag/menu and started trying to decide what we are going to have on our sandwiches... So many choices. When I was stepping up to give our orders to the lady behind the counter a man with a shiny watch leaned in behind me rested his hand on the counter and said something in an angry voice to the employees behind the counter. I started looking behind me to see what he was so upset about and saw nothing. I was not really listening to WHAT the man said but heard HOW he said it. I assumed they messed his order up or something. When he was done I stepped up tot he counter and put in my order. I saw Stephen's mood shift.

He did not tell me what bothered him so badly until we were in the car leaving Southlake. He said that he did not care for the people. He went on to tell me what the man was throwing the fit about. He said that while we were in line a beggar had come in and was going from table to table explaining that he was tired and hungry. The man was absolutely outraged that a beggar was in the restaurant that him and his silver spoon fed family were eating. The man threw a fit and was SO angry because someone had asked him for food.

My first reaction when Stephen told me this was -WHY DID YOU NOT SAY SOMETHING WHILE I WAS STANDING THERE? I would have shown Mr. Shiny Watch how to compassionately treat a person. I could not believe he acted like the jerk that he did. Now there are a couple of scenarios that would have made this situation different. 1) If the establishment were to kick the beggar out it would be their choice- But was is necessary for Mr. Shiny Watch to go tattle-tale and cause the commotion he did? 2) IF it was necessary for Mr. Shiny Watch to tattle-tale could he have done so in a more respectful manor? Could he have quietly and discreetly informed management? 3) Was he causing harm to anyone around him? There is a difference in being uncomfortable and being harmed.

Think about this made me think of the story of Lazarus. Jesus told a story about a beggar, Lazarus, and a rich man. Lazarus had begged daily in front of this rich man's house but the rich man never gave him anything. Both men died. The beggar found himself in comfort with Abraham, but the rich man was in agony in a burning fire. He was so thirsty he asked Abraham to send the beggar to get him water to cool his tongue. Abraham reminded the rich man that he was reaping what he had sowed in the way he had treated the beggar when they both lived. He refused his request.

I am curious to know if this was normal behavior for Mr. Shiny Watch. I have declined to help people- beggars. I do it politely. But also I do help them when I can.

Do you think Mr. Shiny Watch will get the water to cool his tongue? Do you think he will expect it?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Since my last post..

We took Sam to see his very first movie early Halloween morning. We got a drink, snacks, and his first bag of movie theater pop corn. He sat through 3/4 of the movie and then stood and jumped and shouted and shrieked through the last 1/4. Now he starts every morning asking if we can get in the car and go watch Meatballs.

Halloween night was less than fun. Sam was given the choice Scooby or Mickey Mouse for
costumes. He chose Scooby so we got him a great costume. He wore it once... for less than 5 minutes ... the day we got it... and he cried pretty much the whole time- but i did manage to get one picture.

Last minute we had to find a back up costume so we got him an oversized green shirt, some brown cords, and drew chin hair on him with my brown eyeliner and he carried his stuffed Scooby. AH our little Shaggy.

We have joined a play group and do various activities with them throughout the week. Since we had nothing to do for Halloween we decided to go to the planned event for Halloween in Lewisville. It was described as businesses in the metroplex coming to the park and having booths and handing out candy. We got there and had to park a 20 minute walk away. When we actually go to the park it was completely dark and there were not any lights and Sam ended up with 20-30 pieces of candy that he is not yet old enough to eat. (mostly jawbreakers and gum) I felt like a horrible parent because this is the first year he could really have fun and it sucked. We spent the rest of our evening letting him eat a happy meal and play at McDonalds.

We got up early and went to our first Sunday school class and church. We have been attending church at Irving Bible Church and so far so good. We have joined a class before church called the tree. Right now we are going over Song of Solomon. I am completely amazed how we go to one class and already I see a difference in our relationship. I also see a side of Stephen that I have heard about and occasionally have seen a glimmer. We had been sitting in our chair no more than 10 minutes when he has already volunteered to help out with carrying in Thanksgiving donations and helping with the angel tree. When we got home we actually started implementing the things that we discussed during the study. I am really looking forward to this next Sunday... If we are not sick.

The sickness-
It started Monday. I was loving the time change. Stephen got up earlier than normal to get ready for work. I was lying in bed with the pillow over my head trying to pretend that Monday was not yet here. Half in and out of Sleep my blood shot eyes were opened by the sound of Stephen banging stuff around in the kitchen. At first I was thinking what the... then I realized he was getting up early to make me coffee... to serve me. He got up early and tried not to wake me made coffee and set the coffee timer. He wrote a sweet note thanking me for all that I do for him and left it on the fridge. I laid in bed and waited for him to get in the shower and snuck into the bathroom and took a towel. I put a towel in the dryer for him and greeted him with it as soon as I heard the water shut off. While he got ready I made him a bagel and packed his lunch - I had forgotten to pack it the night before. What a difference it makes when you serve one another.

After he left I had my coffee and then began housework. I was feeling SO ambitious and productive... until I cleaned the ceiling fans. I got a face full of dust and it was all down hill from there. I started feeling fuzzy faced so I thought it was my allergies from all the dust. I continued to dust the entire house and vacuum and then I lost all steam. I laid down and did not move until I had to cook dinner. By the time Stephen got home I had a fever and face full of snot. Stephen has been taking care of me ever since. I have let the housework go and have been camping on the couch all week. I saw the doctor yesterday got some antibiotics and I am now on my road to recovery. Stephen is now getting sick and saw the doctor today. I am determined that I am going to make myself feel good today and get my list of housework done so I can take care of him like he has taken care of me. Then we will both get to take care of Sam because I am sure he is next... but I hope not.