Last week Stephen was contacted about a job. This job would have been perfect for us. We have so many dreams that are "normal" dreams. I say "normal" because it is stuff that most people have - standard living. With this job we would have been able to have a house by this time next year - not just any house but the reasonable house we really want but can not [responsibly] afford on his current salary. If he would have got the job we would have celebrated by working on our second child... something I am so crazy for at this moment. We would have bought a second car with in a few months. So a house, a second [and last]child, and a second car- all standard things that people have... but we do not. We were both waiting impatiently for the phone to ring - he was waiting for the call from the job, I was waiting for the call from him.
Today we received the news that he was a great candidate...but they went with someone else. He is handling it much better than I thought he would. I am on the other hand extremely upset. I saw everything coming into place for our little family and then it all came to a screeching halt.
So I guess back to the drawing board.