
a female given name. Christian. Singer. Dancer. Quirky. Stubborn. Daughter. Thoughtful. Strong. Loving. Silly. Bold. Mother and wife. Someone that tries. Not a quitter. Sister.Obsessive Compulsive.
I have some Obsessive Compulsive tendencies. Most of them are absolutely ridiculous or so I have been told by my husband, family and friends. I however disagree. Surely I am not the only person on the Earth that gags when paper towels are used to clean kitchen cabinets. I am sure that Jerry Seinfeld and George Costanza would break up for that. I can see an entire episode now...
Jerry: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE CLEANS WITH PAPER TOWELS? Is is a preemptive cleaning and she will come back to battle with a cleaning rag?"
So since I have decided to think about all this little stuff that makes me OCD quirky.
- Cleaning with paper towels makes me gag. I can handle using them to do a quick once over before I bust out the bleach and a rag and for mirrors, tv's and windows.I have no idea why this bothers me so much but it does. The only logic explanation I can find is that they get soggy- but it also gags me when others do it and I see it?
- I like things to be straight. I have laid in bed and had to get up to fix things that were crooked.
- My closet is the MOST (maybe only) organized place in my entire house. See I have selective OCD. My closet is arranged from tanks,solid T's, dress shirts,graphic T's,and Dresses on the top and shorts, skirts, jeans, dress pants, long sleeved shirts, sweaters, and coats. That does not sound so crazy does it? Well here it is... I have them all grouped by the type of fabric and from there they are grouped by color and from there they are grouped what I like most. If Stephen puts my clothes up I actually know if something is not in its place.
- When I make the bed wrinkles are not acceptable. Everything has to be even- equal amounts of hangege on all sides.It just feels so much better that way.
- When eating I have to eat things in order. If I were to have a plate with steak, green beans, and baked potato on it I would have to eat the steak first- every last bite before I can move on to the green beans. Then I have to finish all of my green beans before I can even touch my potato. This is how I am with all meals.
Well that is all the fun I have time for for now- Duty calls... that is code for newly potty trained toddler.