We walk into to the restaurant not really knowing what to expect. It was a great concept and we grabbed our sandwich bag/menu and started trying to decide what we are going to have on our sandwiches... So many choices. When I was stepping up to give our orders to the lady behind the counter a man with a shiny watch leaned in behind me rested his hand on the counter and said something in an angry voice to the employees behind the counter. I started looking behind me to see what he was so upset about and saw nothing. I was not really listening to WHAT the man said but heard HOW he said it. I assumed they messed his order up or something. When he was done I stepped up tot he counter and put in my order. I saw Stephen's mood shift.
He did not tell me what bothered him so badly until we were in the car leaving Southlake. He said that he did not care for the people. He went on to tell me what the man was throwing the fit about. He said that while we were in line a beggar had come in and was going from table to table explaining that he was tired and hungry. The man was absolutely outraged that a beggar was in the restaurant that him and his silver spoon fed family were eating. The man threw a fit and was SO angry because someone had asked him for food.
My first reaction when Stephen told me this was -WHY DID YOU NOT SAY SOMETHING WHILE I WAS STANDING THERE? I would have shown Mr. Shiny Watch how to compassionately treat a person. I could not believe he acted like the jerk that he did. Now there are a couple of scenarios that would have made this situation different. 1) If the establishment were to kick the beggar out it would be their choice- But was is necessary for Mr. Shiny Watch to go tattle-tale and cause the commotion he did? 2) IF it was necessary for Mr. Shiny Watch to tattle-tale could he have done so in a more respectful manor? Could he have quietly and discreetly informed management? 3) Was he causing harm to anyone around him? There is a difference in being uncomfortable and being harmed.
Think about this made me think of the story of Lazarus. Jesus told a story about a beggar, Lazarus, and a rich man. Lazarus had begged daily in front of this rich man's house but the rich man never gave him anything. Both men died. The beggar found himself in comfort with Abraham, but the rich man was in agony in a burning fire. He was so thirsty he asked Abraham to send the beggar to get him water to cool his tongue. Abraham reminded the rich man that he was reaping what he had sowed in the way he had treated the beggar when they both lived. He refused his request.
I am curious to know if this was normal behavior for Mr. Shiny Watch. I have declined to help people- beggars. I do it politely. But also I do help them when I can.
Do you think Mr. Shiny Watch will get the water to cool his tongue? Do you think he will expect it?